#Corse A Ghjuventù Indipendentista launches a petition : « For the respect of democracy in Corsica ! »

During the past two years, the Corsican Assembly, deliberative and representative organ of the Corsican people elected by universal suffrage, drafted and adopted strong measures, which are considered essential to the survival of the island and its inhabitants.

LogoGhjuventuIndipendentista-GI-Corse-Unitanaziunale– The status of resident (Reserve land acquisition in Corsica to people who have lived there for more than 10 years to stop property speculation)

– The co-official status of the Corsican language alongside French (As in all European countries to coexist legally two languages ​​in an area where there are historical and cultural legitimacy)

– The Corsican tax status (Taming the tax, given the economic and demographic characteristics of the island and following the issue of the end of the order Miot)

Finally, recently the Development Plan and Sustainable Development of Corsica was adopted by the House itself.

All these measures, carried by the majority territorial and followed by many other political groups, gathered a large majority of votes. They were requested in the street, by the Corsicans repeatedly. However, these laws are still not applied.

Indeed, the French government has consistently refused to implement the measures passed by the legitimate assembly elected by universal suffrage, representative of the Corsican people and their aspirations.

Unconstitutionality, false incompatible with European or national law … Many reasons are given for not accede to the demands of the Corsicans and their elected representatives.

This situation must cease quicly, for the political survival of the island and the social peace.

We call the Corsican people, the French government and the international community on the denial of democracy in Corsica. Failure of decisions passed by a representative assembly is a crime: it must stop, and the French state have to  to implement these measures legally voted. The continuation of this refusal without reason and this total blockage can not be interpreted otherwise than as a call to revolt and riots.

Ghjuventù Indipendentista


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